Last week was a tough week for most of us and we didn't escape it either.
It's hard to comprehend how much life has changed in just 7 days. 7 short days that somehow feel like a lifetime...
Last weekend, after much soul searching, deliberations and anguish over "What's best to do" we decided to close the clinic to face to face appointments, from Monday the 23rd March 2020 until further notice.
Many factors made it a difficult decision to take.
At that time, lockdown had not yet been announced.
The General Osteopathic Council had yet to issue clear guidance to Osteopaths.
Allied health professionals (which includes Osteopaths), were being encouraged to keep trading to relieve pressure on the NHS.
We know in our heart of hearts that what we do is supportive to health in all it's manifestation: cellular health, individual, familial, societal and a great contribution to public health.
We took early decisive actions to make visiting us as safe as can be, and most definitely safer than going to the supermarket.
At that time, no financial support was being offered to the self-employed (Thank you Rishi!)
Yet, we had to stop.
Safety has always and will always be our priority and the one thing we will never compromise on.
We could no longer be sure we were acting in YOUR best interest by staying open, despite being one of the cleanest places in the UK (I'm sure of it!), so we didn't.
I would be lying if I said I didn't cry as I mopped the floor one last time, inhaled and coughed that last breath of broad spectrum disinfectant, and closed the door behind me one last time.
It was heartbreaking.
I know it was the right thing to do, I know thousands of small businesses are in the same boat, but it was heartbreaking nonetheless.
The dust is now starting to settle, bringing some much needed clarity on the horizon.
Information is starting to emerge as to what our role will be in helping people out of this crisis.
We're starting to find our breath again.... it will be ok.
As we become more comfortable with the discomforts and uncertainties of this new world, we will rise again. We will adapt and find new ways to add value and share our knowledge.
We WILL open our physical doors again, we have contingencies to ensure this, and with your help we will be better than ever before!
But until then, we are working on opening our Virtual Clinic to ensure we can keep supporting our community at this time of greatest need.... More on this in a later post :)
In the meantime, we want to apologize for all of you who had your appointment cancelled.
We miss seeing our lovely patients already but please bear with us a few more days... Like the Chrysalis transforms into a beautiful butterfly, we too will transform and take flight again!
Just a few more days... :)
Keep your heads up and your hearts strong
It's hard to comprehend how much life has changed in just 7 days. 7 short days that somehow feel like a lifetime...
Last weekend, after much soul searching, deliberations and anguish over "What's best to do" we decided to close the clinic to face to face appointments, from Monday the 23rd March 2020 until further notice.
Many factors made it a difficult decision to take.
At that time, lockdown had not yet been announced.
The General Osteopathic Council had yet to issue clear guidance to Osteopaths.
Allied health professionals (which includes Osteopaths), were being encouraged to keep trading to relieve pressure on the NHS.
We know in our heart of hearts that what we do is supportive to health in all it's manifestation: cellular health, individual, familial, societal and a great contribution to public health.
We took early decisive actions to make visiting us as safe as can be, and most definitely safer than going to the supermarket.
At that time, no financial support was being offered to the self-employed (Thank you Rishi!)
Yet, we had to stop.
Safety has always and will always be our priority and the one thing we will never compromise on.
We could no longer be sure we were acting in YOUR best interest by staying open, despite being one of the cleanest places in the UK (I'm sure of it!), so we didn't.
I would be lying if I said I didn't cry as I mopped the floor one last time, inhaled and coughed that last breath of broad spectrum disinfectant, and closed the door behind me one last time.
It was heartbreaking.
I know it was the right thing to do, I know thousands of small businesses are in the same boat, but it was heartbreaking nonetheless.
The dust is now starting to settle, bringing some much needed clarity on the horizon.
Information is starting to emerge as to what our role will be in helping people out of this crisis.
We're starting to find our breath again.... it will be ok.
As we become more comfortable with the discomforts and uncertainties of this new world, we will rise again. We will adapt and find new ways to add value and share our knowledge.
We WILL open our physical doors again, we have contingencies to ensure this, and with your help we will be better than ever before!
But until then, we are working on opening our Virtual Clinic to ensure we can keep supporting our community at this time of greatest need.... More on this in a later post :)
In the meantime, we want to apologize for all of you who had your appointment cancelled.
We miss seeing our lovely patients already but please bear with us a few more days... Like the Chrysalis transforms into a beautiful butterfly, we too will transform and take flight again!
Just a few more days... :)
Keep your heads up and your hearts strong